Forestry - Hydrogeomorphic Risk [Minnesota] Full Details
Full Details
- Title:
- Forestry - Hydrogeomorphic Risk [Minnesota]
- Description:
- These data provide an estimate of hydrogeomorphic risk associated with different landscapes and topographies around Minnesota. It was developed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. A variety of physical and hydro-geologic characteristics, which may contribute to the potential for sediment and nutrient contribution to surface waters, were summarized. These characteristics range from percent forest cover to soil erosivity, and include slope, concentration potential for runoff, distance to surface hydrology, and a variety of other factors. This information can help foresters plan harvests and prioritize implementation of best management practices which can mitigate the risk of erosion and sediment delivery to surface water. Update frequency: None planned
- Creator:
- MN Dept. of Natural Resources
- Provider:
- Natural Resources Research Institute
- Resource Class:
- Datasets and Web services
- Theme:
- Environment
- Place:
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Interactive map layer
- Language:
- English
- Date Added:
- 2022-05-20