This data is a Lidar-derived estimate of the volume of trees in cubic feet per acre. It was developed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources using Lidarthat was collected in 2019. It represents gross volume in cubic feet per acre for all trees of five inches or larger dbh. Hahn���s (1984) volume equations, based on diambeter at breast height and merchantable height of sample trees, were used to estimate species-specific individual tree volume that were then summarized to plot level to obtain total volume on per acre basis. The field sample data were collected over 120 plots of one-tenth acre size, and for each of the plots more than 40 Lidarmetrics were derived based on the co-located point cloud to fit a linear regression model that were ultimately applied over the entire area of interest using selected Lidarpredictors at 20-m spatial resolution. This information can provide foresters a better understanding of the stand and how it should be managed., Update frequency: None planned