State of Maryland Priority Funding Area boundary dataset. This dataset is created and maintained by the Maryland Department of Planning. These boundaries are not intended to serve as a legal description.Fields:CPFA (Certified PFA): If field is populated as "IN" then the PFA has been designated at a Priority Funding Area locally. MUN_CODE (Municipality Code): MUN = within Priority Funding Area (PFA); MUNCOM = PFA with comment; MUN_NONPFA = not in PFARural Village Code (RUVI_CODE): RV = within a Rural VillageRural Village Name (RUVI_NAME): Name of the Rural VillageCOMMENT_STATUS (Comment Status): If field is populated with "NO" then there is no state-placed comment on the area. If the field is populated with "YES" then the state has placed a comment on the area based on eligibility. ACRES (GIS Acres): GIS calculated acres. JURSCODE (Jurisdiction Code) - Four letter county code: ALLE (Allegany), ANNE (Anne Arundel), BACI (Baltimore City), BACO (Baltimore County), CALV (Calvert), CARO (Caroline), CARR (Carroll), CECI (Cecil), CHAR (Charles), DORC (Dorchester), FRED (Frederick), GARR (Garrett), HARF (Harford), HOWA (Howard), KENT (Kent), MONT (Montgomery), PRIN (Prince George's) QUEE (Queen Anne's), SOME (Somerset), STMA (St. Mary's), TALB (Talbot), WASH (Washington), WICO (Wicomico), WORC (Worcester).CERT_DATE (Certification Date) (DD/MM/YYYY): This date is known as the "Certification Date" of the PFA. The date 1/1/1997, or NULL, is used as a default date of when the PFA was certified were first indicated in the GIS layer and not necessarily of when it was actually certified. If there's a date of 1/1/1997, it can be assumed that the PFA was certified on, or before this date. STATE_ELIGIBLE_STATUS (State Eligible): This field is based on whether the PFA has a comment. If there is no comment, then the field will be populated with YES; if there is a state-placed comment, the field will be populated with NO. "Date Last Updated 07/15/2024This is a MD iMAP hosted service. Find more information on
The Spatial Data, and the information therein, (collectively the "Data") is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory. The user assumes the entire risk as to quality and performance of the Data. No guarantee of accuracy is granted, nor is any responsibility for reliance thereon assumed. In no event shall the State of Maryland be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind. The State of Maryland does not accept liability for any damages or misrepresentation caused by inaccuracies in the Data or as a result to changes to the Data, nor is there responsibility assumed to maintain the Data in any manner or form. The Data can be freely distributed as long as the metadata entry is not modified or deleted. Any data derived from the Data must acknowledge the State of Maryland in the metadata.