Lake Basin Morphology [Minnesota] Full Details
Full Details
- Title:
- Lake Basin Morphology [Minnesota]
- Description:
- <b>Lake Basin Morphology</b> Lake polygons with an attribute table of morphometric indices which describe the physical form and structure (morphology) of a lake. <b>Lake Basin Fetch and Maximum Length/Width</b> Linear features representing the Fetch, Maximum Length and Maximum Width of a lake basin. Fetch, maximum length and average width are calcuated from the lake polygon outline. Fetch is defined as the longest unbroken stretch of open water on a lake. It may also be referred to as the "wind-effective length". Maximum Length is the longest shoreline-to-shoreline distance regardless of whether or not the line is broken by a shoreline feature or island. Maximum width is the widest section of a lake perpendicular to the axis of maximum length. These parameters were derived from individual lake bathmetry outlines where each vertex of the outline was compared to every other vertex. For calculating fetch, islands were included; for maximum length and maximum width, islands were not included. This dataset was developed to assist in resource management and research applications by furthering the basic understanding of a basin's physical characteristics. Lake Basin Morphology includes the following morphometric indices: surface area, perimeter, maximum depth, average depth, relative depth, average slope, volume development index, fetch, maximum length, maximum width, percent littoral zone, volume, shoreline development index (no islands), shoreline length including islands, shoreline development index including islands, fetch bearing, maximum length bearing, maximum width bearing, littoral zone acres, observed maximum depth of littoral zone vegetation, average width. These indices are commonly used for analyses such as basin productivity, habitat suitability, wave energy dynamics, and oxygen profiles. Fetch indicates the greatest distance wind can sweep uninterrupted across a lake surface and has implications for erosion potential, wave energy, and plant habitat suitability. Time Period of Content date indicates the date which the user can be confident of accuracy and completeness of the dataset. Morphometric indices are derived from existing Lake Bathymetry products. Lake bathymetric outlines (used for indices containing area, perimeter, length, and width) were digitized from various aerial photography datasets. Lake bathymetric DEM's (used for indices containing depth, slope, volume, and % littoral zones)are based on existing lake contour maps of variable dates. (See Quick Themes:Metadata:Lake Bathymetric Map Metadata for field work dates of individual lakes.) Observed values for Maximum Depth of Vegetation are derived from the Lake Survey database (various dates). Fetch indicates the greatest distance wind can sweep uninterrupted across a lake surface and has implications for erosion potential, wave energy, and plant habitat suitability.
- Creator:
- DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife - Section of Fisheries
- Provider:
- Minnesota Geospatial Commons
- Resource Class:
- Datasets
- Theme:
- Inland Waters
- Temporal Coverage:
- 2021-10-07
- Place:
- Rights:
- None
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Files
- Language:
- English
- Date Added:
- 2021-04-26