Powles Hook (Paulus Hook), Jersey City, New Jersey 1804
P. Desobry's Lithography, 62 Beaver St., New York NY
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Powles Hook (Paulus Hook), Jersey City, New Jersey 1804
A map of that part of the town of Jersey commonly called Powles Hook. Actually known as Paulus Hook, a section of Jersey City. Map shows a table of rental rates for lots on each land tract and a description of the elevation of the sections of the land.
P. Desobry's Lithography, 62 Beaver St., New York NY
Date Issued
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Rutgers University Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives
[Creator not found] (1804). Powles Hook (Paulus Hook), Jersey City, New Jersey 1804. P. Desobry's Lithography, 62 Beaver St., New York NY. https://rucore.libraries.rutgers.edu/rutgers-lib/19212 (map)