Finance Commitments - STAR [Minnesota--Saint Paul] Full Details
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Full Details
- Title:
- Finance Commitments - STAR [Minnesota--Saint Paul]
- Description:
- PLEASE NOTE this data does not include Cultural STAR Funds. These will be added to this data source at a later date. ALSO PLEASE NOTE this data includes projects that occurred at specific points in space, as well as "programmatic focus" projects (see field below), which were geographically focused on a long corridor or full neighborhood. The programmatic focus field will show "No" if the project has a specific geography represented appropriately by the point(s) in this feature class. If the programmatic focus field shows "Yes", the project geography cannot be adequately represented by a point, regardless of whether geographic point(s) are associated with that record.Descriptions of specific fields are as follows:Project Number: Each project is assigned a unique project number, assigned by the City of Saint Paul. The first two digits correspond to the year of the application.STAR Fund: The type of STAR funds expended on the project. CHOICES: Neighborhood STAR, Year-Round STAR.Project Type: The kind of activity funded by the project. CHOICES: Commercial, Housing, Public Improvement, or some combination of those three.Year: The calendar year the project application was made.Applicant: The name of the principal business or organization applying for funds.Project name: A name for the project being undertaken.Project Description: A narrative project description.Project Location: The address(es), intersection, or other indication of project location. Note that many projects are not tied to one specific location but may fund activities through a broader area.Ward(s): The Ward or Wards in which the project takes place.Planning District(s): The Planning District or Districts in which the project takes place. (Planning Districts correspond to the City's seventeen district councils).Grant Amount: The amount of grant funding applied for. Note that this amount may change after an initial application is made, and the amount reflected here is the final amount of grant funding applied for. If the "Funded?" column shows a "Yes" response, the full grant amount listed here has been awarded to the applicant.Loan Amount: The amount of loan funding applied for. Note that this amount may change after an initial application is made, and the amount reflected here is the final amount of loan funding applied for. If the "Funded?" column shows a "Yes" response, the full loan amount listed here has been awarded to the applicant.Match Amount: The amount of matching funding the applicant has committed to bring to the project from other sources. Note that this field is not consistently used; the lack of an amount should not be taken as a lack of funding.Withdrawn?: Applications that are withdrawn are shown with a "Yes" here. Other projects are shown with a 'No".Approval Reference: Projects which have been approved by the City Council may have a resolution and approval date listed here. Because of an unevenness in data, not all approved projects include this reference.Symbology Category: A categorization for the map symbols.Loan Terms: What were the terms of the loan that was approved?PED Project Manager: The name of the staff member in the City's Planning & Economic Development Department who acted as the point of contact for the project.Programmatic Focus?: Was the project one focused on a limited number of specific locations, such as specific parcels, or was the focus more programmatic in nature, such as a loan program targeting a commercial corridor, or a program targeting a specific planning district, or a citywide proposal?This data considered up to date as of 4/8/2024.
- Creator:
- Saint Paul GIS
- Provider:
- City of Saint Paul GIS Data
- Resource Class:
- Datasets and Web services
- Temporal Coverage:
- Last modified 2024-05-28
- Date Issued:
- 2022-04-27
- Place:
- Rights:
- The Geographic Information System (GIS) Data to which this notice is attached are made available pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13). The GIS Data are provided to you “AS IS” and without any warranty as to their performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The GIS Data were developed by the City of Saint Paul for its own internal business purposes. The City of Saint Paul does not represent or warrant that the GIS Data or the data documentation are error-free, complete, current, or accurate. You are responsible for any consequences resulting from your use of the GIS Data or your reliance on the GIS Data. You should consult the data documentation for this particular GIS Data to determine the limitations of the GIS Data and the precision with which the GIS Data may depict distance, direction, location, or other geographic features. If you transmit or provide the GIS Data (or any portion of it) to another user, the GIS Data must include a copy of this disclaimer.
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Shapefile
- Language:
- English
- Date Added:
- 2024-04-24