Housing Production [Minnesota--Saint Paul] Full Details
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Full Details
- Title:
- Housing Production [Minnesota--Saint Paul]
- Description:
- This dataset is an authoritative inventory of new housing units constructed in the City of Saint Paul from 2010 to the most recent available quarter. The data originates from two sources: the City's permitting system, and from the City's records on housing affordability. The dataset helps provide a deeper understanding of trends in market rate and affordable housing production.For the purposes of this dataset, the delineation of "affordable units" is tied to the construction of the new units: does the project — its development financing or the regulatory framework under which it was built — require units be affordable upon the completion of construction? This definition of affordability does not include units that are affordable only because of a post-construction subsidy or other similar subsequent commitment to affordability, such as through the city's Rental Rehab Loan Program or 4d Affordable Housing Incentive Program. It does, however, include units that are affordable under the terms of zoning district-based density bonuses for affordability. Projects built under a zoning-based density bonus currently comprise a very small portion of the larger total, and are identified in the Notes column of the associated table.This dataset will be updated quarterly, given the manual work currently involved in bringing it up-to-date. It is the product of work over five years across three City departments.Field definitions are available below. In addition to being available for download through the Open Information website, this data is perhaps more easily accessible in an interactiveHousing Production Dashboard.This data is designed under a methodology specific to the City of Saint Paul. Other government entities use the same originating permit data, but somewhat divergent methodologies, which can produce very different results. We believe this particular methodology gives the fullest and most timely depiction of housing production available. For specific details, see the "Methodologies Compared" tab at the bottom of theHousing Production Dashboard.Technical detailsThis dataset is generally designed to have one record (row) per building project that creates new units. A project may be the result of one or more building permits. In cases when a project contains both subsidized / affordable and unsubsidized / market rate units, the project is split across two records (rows). Fields (Columns) Defined PropertyRSN: An internal unique identifier for the address point with which the permit is associated. Property Address: The street address at which the permit work took place. ParcelID: The county-assigned unique identifier for the parcel on which the permit work took place. Type of Work: The kind of work undertaken at the site. CHOICES: New Addition Remodel Residence Type: What is the physical form of the dwelling units that were created under this building permit? CHOICES: 2-Family/Duplex Mixed (Commercial/Residential) Residential (Multi-Fam) Single Family Dwelling Project Permit Issue Date: The date the first permit was issued for the project that created the new dwelling units. Project Permit Issue Year: The year the first permit was issued for the project that created the new dwelling units. Existing Dwelling Units: The number of dwelling units that existed just prior to the start of the project under the definition of "dwelling unit" in the International Building Code. New Dwelling Units: The number of new dwelling units created under the building permit(s) under the definition of "dwelling unit" in the International Building Code. New Dwelling Unit Type: The type of financial structure tied to the new dwelling units created under this permit. CHOICES: 1 - Market Rate: Units that did not receive some sort of direct public subsidy or assistance outside normal market sources. 2 - Affordable: Units that contractually ensure affordability / access for those in need, at the level of 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) and below. This definition does include units that are affordable under the terms of zoning-based density bonuses, which comprise a very small portion of the overall total. This demarcation of affordable units does not include units that received financial assistance in preparing the site for redevelopment, for activities such as pollution remediation. Further, the affordability included here are only those contractually included at the closing of the development financing of the project, and does not include units restricted as affordable at a later date, such as through the City's 4(d) Affordable Housing Incentive Program, or the Rental Rehab Loan Program. Total Final Dwelling Units: The number of dwelling units existing upon completion of the associated building permit(s), under the definition of "dwelling unit" in the International Building Code. Notes: This field contains notes on specific unique circumstances. In particular, a few building permits produced both subsidized / affordable and unsubsidized / market rate dwelling units. To make building permits in this scenario function as needed within data systems, we split such permits into two lines, one for each type of unit, and made a notation in this field to reflect that division.
- Creator:
- Saint Paul GIS
- Provider:
- City of Saint Paul GIS Data
- Resource Class:
- Datasets and Web services
- Temporal Coverage:
- Last modified 2024-10-09
- Date Issued:
- 2024-10-09
- Place:
- Rights:
- The Geographic Information System (GIS) Data to which this notice is attached are made available pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13). The GIS Data are provided to you “AS IS” and without any warranty as to their performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The GIS Data were developed by the City of Saint Paul for its own internal business purposes. The City of Saint Paul does not represent or warrant that the GIS Data or the data documentation are error-free, complete, current, or accurate. You are responsible for any consequences resulting from your use of the GIS Data or your reliance on the GIS Data. You should consult the data documentation for this particular GIS Data to determine the limitations of the GIS Data and the precision with which the GIS Data may depict distance, direction, location, or other geographic features. If you transmit or provide the GIS Data (or any portion of it) to another user, the GIS Data must include a copy of this disclaimer.
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Shapefile
- Language:
- English
- Date Added:
- 2024-10-14