This layer represents agricultural resource priorities in the Highlands region. This layer is intended to inform grant proposals for the Highlands Conservation Act. The Highlands Conservation Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to provide financial assistance to the States of Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania (Highland States) to preserve and protect high priority conservation land in the Highlands region.Thislayerranges from0to8, with8being highest prioritiesforagricultural preservation in the Highlands Region. The layerscoresall 30m cellsthat are, or were, in agricultural use in 2016 or 2021 based on the2021NLCD layer(classes 81 and 82).Cells withprime, state, and local/unique agriculturalsoils (usingSSURGO)were given scores of 4, 3, and 2, respectively. Cellsnearhigh densities ofagriculturallanduse (i.e.,within800mof cells classified as 81 and 82 in the 2021 NLCD layer, using a focalstatisticsanalysis)were scored1 (lowest) to 4 (highest) density based on quantiles of agricultural density in the2004federal Highlands Conservation Act boundary.