**UNOSAT code: FL20240603LKA, GDACS ID: 1102660** This map illustrates satellite-detected water extent in the North Western Province, Sri Lanka, as observed from a Sentinel-1 image acquired on June 4, 2024, at 00:25 UTC. Within the analyzed area of about 4,000 km², a total of about 46 km² of land appears to be affected by floodwaters. The water extent appears to have receded by about 34 km² since May 23, 2024. Based on WorldPop population data and the flood extent, approximately 16,000 people are potentially exposed. This is a preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field. Please send ground feedback to the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT). Important note: Flood analysis from radar images may underestimate the presence of standing waters in built-up areas and densely vegetated areas due to backscattering properties of the radar signal.