By Ann M. Burger, Jane L. Forsyth, Robert S. Nicoll, and William J. Wayne , Indiana Geological Survey, Dept. of Natural Resources. Transverse Mercator projection. Relief shown by profile. Includes columnar section with geological correlation diagram, schematic section showing unconsolidated deposits, map showing major moraines and distribution of till types, geological profile showing configuration of land surfaces and bedrock units, index map showing published quadrangles, map showing area of primary responsibility, and sectionalized township diagram. In addition to the complete geologic map of this quadrangle, which shows both bedrock and unconsolidated map, separate parts depictiong the two main elements of the areal geology are available: Part A shows only bedrock, Part B showing only consolidated deposits. The explanation, columnar and cross sections, and marginal information are the same on the separate parts as on the complete map. Base modified from Army Map Service Map NK 16-12, 1956.
Imprint: [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana Geological Survey, 1971
Dimensions: 105 x 73 cm; Scale: 1:250,000. Vertical scale approximately 1:11,500