Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources
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Community Tree Canopy [Wisconsin] {2013}
This land classification layer was derived from 2013 National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) images. It classifies land within all municipal boundaries and Census-defined urban areas into one of five categories: (1)tree/shrub, (2)grass/herbaceous, (4)water, (7)impervious surface or (9)wetland. The classification was pursued for municipal and urban areas as well as a 1-km buffer around those locations. The original process classified land into three types, but then water and wetland areas were masked out using polygons provided by the DNR. Pixel size is 1-m2., This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison. For access to the most current data, please visit: https://data-wi-dnr.opendata.arcgis.com/search?q=urban%20tree%20canopy%20
Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources (n.d.). Community Tree Canopy [Wisconsin] {2013}. . https://data-wi-dnr.opendata.arcgis.com/search?q=urban%20tree%20canopy%20 (dataset)