Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources
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Fire Occurrence [Wisconsin] {1982-2008}
The approximate location of each fire recorded in DNR fire reports during the years 1982 through 2008., This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison. For the most current data, please visit: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/forestmanagement/data [As of 3-21-07, additional data tables are in development. These tables will provide additional fire information and will be able to be joined to this shapefile based on the unique DNR_FIRENO field. The .dbf files 'foc_badrecs_pre2004', 'foc_badrecs_2004', 'foc_badrecs_2005', and 'foc_badrecs_2006' contain records that were included in the raw fire report data, but were culled out and not included in the final shapefile, 'focxw9xx.shp'. For 2007, all 'bad recs' were able to be repaired and incorporated into the final shapefile. For 2008, bad records were returned to dispatchers for repairs not only in the shapefile, but also in the fire reporting system. Records were culled out because they either, (1) Had a date that was out of range (before 1982 or after 2006), (2) Had a legal description that couldn't be matched to PLSS code at the section level. Or (3) Had a lat/long coordinate that couldn't be matched to a real location or was an obvious error. There are 918 records in these four databases. Further inspection (by cross checking the fire numbers against original fire reports) may show that some of these records can be fixed and added to the shapefile, while others can be permanently deleted.]
Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources (n.d.). Fire Occurrence [Wisconsin] {1982-2008}. . https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/ForestManagement/data.html (dataset)