Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources
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Forestry Dispatch Groups [Wisconsin] {2019}
History of data layer: Data was originally collected cooperatively by the Division of Forestry, Bureau of Forest Protection and created as a GIS layer by BTS. In May, 2008, DG boundaries were re-digitized to more accurately match the FPA boundaries using Administrative Code (NR 30.01 and NR 30.02) text description as well as field staff support. In March 2013, the boundaries were re-drawn when the Division re-allocated resources from 9 to 8 dispatch groups.In November 2016, dispatch group (DG) boundaries were re-digitized to match fire protection area boundaries and align with other geographic source data. (Fire protection area (FPA) boundaries are delineated by Administrative Code (NR 30.01 and NR 30.02) text description.) Better GIS sources for road, and MCD prompted re-digitization. From this base, dispatch group boundaries were created, and further fire response units. These three fire management boundaries layers (DG, FRU, FPA) are topologically related – previous efforts at digitizing fire management boundaries did not retain relationship between the datasets, creating gaps and overlaps, etc.On January 1, 2018, DG boundaries were programmatically redrawn to align with the Division of Forestry management structure. At this time, DGs were reduced to seven. Dispatch groups are comprised of FRUs (in intensive and extensive protection areas for wildland fire response) and COOP Teams (in cooperative protection for prescribed burn)., This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison. For the most recent version of the data (or current updates) please visit the WI DNR: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/forestmanagement/data
Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources (n.d.). Forestry Dispatch Groups [Wisconsin] {2019}. . https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/ForestManagement/data.html (dataset)