Nicaragua administrative level 0 (country), 1 (department or autonomous region, departamento o región autónoma), and 2 (municipality, municipio) boundaries polygons These layers were altered in November 2023. "Región Autónoma Atlántico Norte" [NI91] and "Región Autónoma Atlántico Sur" [NI93] were renamed to "Region Autonoma Costa Caribe Norte" and "Region Autonoma Costa Caribe Sur", respectively. The [Nicaragua - Subnational Edge-matched Administrative Boundaries]( edge-matched layers were also made available. Vetting and live service provision by [Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS)]( with funding from USAID. These boundaries are NOT suitable for database or GIS linkage to the [Nicaragua - Subnational Population Statistics]( tables, which do not have compatible P-coding.