Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources
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Hillshade Image Of From 10-Meter NED [Wisconsin]
This Hillshade image is a raster representation of land elevation of Wisconsin, derived from the US Geological Survey's 10-meter National Elevation Dataset (NED). The NED is a seamless mosaic of best-available elevation data. The 7.5-minute elevation data for the conterminous United States are the primary initial source data. USGS developed processing methods to filter production artifacts in the existing data, convert to the NAD83 datum, edge-match, and fill slivers of missing data at quadrangle seams. One of the effects of the NED processing steps is a much-improved base of elevation data for calculating slope and hydrologic derivatives. The specifications for the NED 1 arc second (30 meter) and 1/3 arc second (10 meter) data are: Geographic coordinate system Horizontal datum of NAD83, except for AK which is NAD27; Vertical datum of NAVD88, except for AK which is NAVD29 Z units of meters, This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison. For the most current data available please visit: https://data-wi-dnr.opendata.arcgis.com/ [WDNR obtained these USGS-produced NED 10-meter resolution data from MapMart, a division of Intrasearch, Inc., in July 2009. No spatial metadata from USGS was provided, so the data source, processing method, and resolution at the time MapMart obtained the data from USGS are not available. USGS continues to improve the NED 10m product, and provides shapefiles of spatial metadata when downloading the data. The NED data were mosaicked to cover Wisconsin, projected to WTM83(91), and clipped using a 5000 meter buffer of the state perimeter. Separate data sets of hillshading, percent slope, and slope aspect were derived. Additional terrain derivatives for hydrologic modelling or cartographic purposes may be produced in the future. After USGS completes the updates of the NED 10m product, it may be advisable to replace all of these layers. For information about the source USGS NED, see 'The National Map - Elevation, Fact Sheet 2009-3053': http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2009/3053/ ].
Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources (n.d.). Hillshade Image Of From 10-Meter NED [Wisconsin]. . http://data-wi-dnr.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets?q=NED (dataset)