These datasets contain OpenStreetMap data related to the Refugee Response in northern Uganda. Data model coordinated with UNHCR. The source is surveys and mapping in northern Uganda performed by HOTOSM and partners. OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching: amenity IN ('bank','banking_agent','atm','credit_institution','microfinance_bank','microfinance','sacco','bureau_de_change','money_transfer') Features may have these attributes: - [addr:place]( - [start_date]( - [addr:subcounty]( - [addr:village]( - [name]( - [amenity]( - [opening_hours]( - [addr:block]( - [operator]( - [addr:district]( - [addr:parish]( - [addr:settlement]( This dataset is one of many [OpenStreetMap exports on HDX]( See the [Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team]( website for more information.