Hydro (Polygon And Line) [Wisconsin--Manitowoc County] {2018}
These data layers represent hydrology for Manitowoc County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase Manitowoc_Hydro_2018.gdb. The feature layers included in this geodatabase are 'Manitowoc_Hydro_2018_Line' and 'Manitowoc_Hydro_2018_Polygon'.[Rivers and streams in Manitowoc Countyare presumed to be navigable if they are designated as perennial waterways or intermittent waterways on United States Geological Survey quadrangle maps (1:24,000 scale). The features were delineated using Manitowoc County's 2017 digital orthophotograph and 2 ft. contours and breaklines created from a 2015 LiDAR project. Lakes, ponds, and flowages in Manitowoc Countyare presumed to be navigable if they are listed in the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources publication FH-800 2009 'Wisconsin Lakes' book, are shown on the United States Geological Survey quadrangle maps (1:24,000 scale), or are shown on other zoning base maps. The features were delineated using Manitowoc County's 2017 digital orthophotograph and 2 ft. contours and breaklines created from a 2015 LiDAR project.], This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison.