LiDAR-Derived Countywide 3-Ft DEM (Wiscrs)(Ft) [Wisconsin--Iron County] {2015}
Wisconsin Department of Administration - Geographic Information Office
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LiDAR-Derived Countywide 3-Ft DEM (Wiscrs)(Ft) [Wisconsin--Iron County] {2015}
This data represents a LiDAR-derived countywide 3-ft Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Iron County, Wisconsin in 2015. This dataset is in WISCRS coordinates (ESRI WKID 103425). A DEM represents the bare-Earth surface, removing all natural and built features., This lidar data dataset was created by the WisconsinView Partners (WVP) – the WI Department of Administration’s Geographic Information Office in collaboration with the UW-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center’s (SSEC) WisconsinView repository. Original lidar data in tiled format from federal or local county/city lidar projects were used to create countywide mosaics of datasets such as DEMS, Intensity images, and DSMs in various projections and coordinate systems. For detailed metadata please visit:
Wisconsin Department of Administration - Geographic Information Office
Wisconsin Department of Administration - Geographic Information Office (n.d.). LiDAR-Derived Countywide 3-Ft DEM (Wiscrs)(Ft) [Wisconsin--Iron County] {2015}. . (dataset)