Wright County, Iowa, 1965, aerial photomosaic index
United States. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
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Wright County, Iowa, 1965, aerial photomosaic index
Title supplied by cataloger based on information from sheet labels. Images are photoreductions of mosaics created from original aerial photographs. Designating symbol CAF. Form of individual image numbering: CAF-1FF-[number], or CAF-2FF-[number]. "Year Flown 1965". Flown by Park Aerial Surveys, Inc. Louisville, K.Y. "Approximate scale, 1:20,000" [refers to individual images from which mosaic was made]., Contact the Map Collection at The University of Iowa Libraries: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/maps/contact/
United States. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
Temporal Coverage
This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States.
[Creator not found] (n.d.). Wright County, Iowa, 1965, aerial photomosaic index. United States. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. https://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/islandora/object/ui%3Aapi_1182 (imagery)