Big Timber Creek, New Jersey, Delaware River to Marters Wharf
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
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Big Timber Creek, New Jersey, Delaware River to Marters Wharf
Map 1: Big Timber Creek from the Delaware River to Little Timber Creek. , Map shows the Delaware River, Big Timber Creek, Little Timber Creek, the Public Service Company Railroad Bridge, soundings, proposed dredging, and the mean low water. The map also contains an index of connecting maps., Map 2: Big Timber Creek along Westville. , Map shows soundings of Big Timber Creek. Also shows the mean low water at Westville, proposed dredging, and the 6 foot curves and the 10 foot curves. Map has West Jersey and Seashore Railroad as well as buildings along the creek. Map also has an index of connecting maps., Map 3: Big Timber Creek along Westville to I-295. , Map shows Big Timber Creek, soundings of the creek, mean low water levels, 6 foot curve and 10 foot curve, and ditches along Big Timber Creek. Map also has an index of connecting charts. , Map 4: Big Timber Creek from I-295 to the split with Beaver Bk., Map shows soundings of Big Timber Creek, the low mean water at Westville, the 6 foot curve and the 10 foot curve, the proposed cut-offs and an index of connecting charts. , Map 5: Big Timber Creek from Beaver Bk. to Marter's Wharf. , Map shows soundings of Big Timber Creek, the mean low water at Westville, the 6 foot curve and the 10 foot curve, Marter's Wharf. Map also includes an index of connecting charts.
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[Creator not found] (1931). Big Timber Creek, New Jersey, Delaware River to Marters Wharf. . (map)