Shows "prime farmland", "additional farmland of statewide importance", "unique farmland", "other land", "water areas", "land subject to controlled inundation," and "approximate urban and built-up areas."; "Base map compiled in 1980 by Soil Conservation Service ... from USGS 1:24 000 scale topographic maps dated 1953-1963."; "Interpretations derived from soil map constructed 1963 by Cartographic Division, Soil Conservation Service, USDA, of York County, Pennsylvania."; Includes location map and notes., 1 map on 2 sheets :color ;114 x 182 cm, sheets 123 x 102 cm + guide (8 unnumbered pages ; 28 cm), Scale 1:50,000
United States. Soil Conservation Service (n.d.). Important farmlands, York County, Pennsylvania. United States. Soil Conservation Service. (map)