Pennsylvania Department of Health
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State Health Centers [Pennsylvania] {2024}
The PA State Health Centers layer was developed to show the geospatial locations of state health centers in Pennsylvania. It can be used in various emergency and health related maps. A state health center is A facility that provides (ambulatory) medical and sanitary services to a specific group in a population. When possible, efforts were made to confirm the rooftop location of each state health center. The accuracy of geocoding is available in Geocoding Certainty attribute field (Geocoding Certainty: Rooftop="00", Street="01", Zip Centroid="04", Not geocoded="99"). Latitude and longitude are recorded in the WGS 1984 coordinate system in decimal degrees. For questions about this dataset, please contact the Pennsylvania Department of Health Division of Health Informatics at or 717-782-2448.
Pennsylvania Department of Health (2024). State Health Centers [Pennsylvania] {2024}. . (dataset)