Water Trails within the Susquehanna River Basin {2006}
Susquehanna River Basin Commission SRBC
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Water Trails within the Susquehanna River Basin {2006}
Polyline shapefile depicting water trails in the Susquehanna River Basin. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission defines water trails as recreational corridors between specific locations that can be used for both single day and multiple day trips. They provide safe access to and information about Pennsylvania's waterways while also providing connections to our history, ecology, geology, heritage and wildlife. There are 10 water trails which cover the following 8 rivers: Susquehanna River (lower, middle, & north), West Branch Susquehanna River, Juniata River, Raystown Branch Juniata River, Swatara Creek, Chemung River, Conodoguinet Creek, and Conestoga River.
Susquehanna River Basin Commission SRBC (2006). Water Trails within the Susquehanna River Basin {2006}. . https://www.pasda.psu.edu/uci/DataSummary.aspx?dataset=515 (dataset)