The Pennsylvania State University
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Lake Erie Watershed 2012 Lidar - 32 bit {2012}
2012 Lake Erie Drainage Area (Erie, PA) Digital Orthoimagery/LiDAR Project - In the fall of 2012, Woolpert obtained new aerial LiDAR covering the entire project area (512 square miles). The aerial LiDAR was acquired at a point density average of 1-meter with final products comprised of LAS (ground and above ground points). The aerial LiDAR was collected during leaf-off conditions during the fall 2012 flying season (November). The LiDAR is being delivered as a project area wide dataset, consisting of 2,500' x 2,500' tiles (which matches the ortho tiling system). Adjacent flight lines overlap by an average of 30 percent. LiDAR was collected with Leica ALS LiDAR Systems. The file naming convention is as follows: xxxyyy (Pennsylvania North Zone); Please note that xxx and yyy represent the easting and northing coordinates (respectively) in state plane feet. Each LiDAR file is approximately 40 megabytes in size. Ownership of the data products resides with Penn State and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The LiDAR data will be utilized for the rectification of aerial imagery to produce 1”=100’ scale ortho-imagery with a 6-inch pixel resolution. The LiDAR data will also be used as a component during the future delineation of project area wide impervious surfaces (using remote sensing techniques).
The Pennsylvania State University (2012). Lake Erie Watershed 2012 Lidar - 32 bit {2012}. . (dataset)