USGS High Resolution Orthoimagery for Scranton - Wilkes Barre, [Pennsylvania] {2012}
"This task order consists of digital orthophoto production covering the Pittsburgh Area, Pennsylvania." An orthoimage is remotely sensed image data in which displacement of features in the image caused by terrain relief and sensor orientation have been mathematically removed. Orthoimagery combines the image characteristics of a photograph with the geometric qualities of a map. There is no image overlap between adjacent files.
Data received at Earth Resources Observation and Science Center (EROS) were verified as:
Projection: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N
Resolution: 0.3000 m
Type: Natural Color
and resampled to align to the U.S. National Grid (USNG) using The National Map. The naming convention is based on the U.S. National Grid (USNG), taking the coordinates of the SW corner of the orthoimage. The metadata were imported and updated for display through The National Map at Chip-level metadata are provided in HTML and XML format. Data were compressed utilizing IAS software. The compression was JPEG2000 Lossy Compressed. The file format created was .jp2.