Philadelphia Zoning Registered Community Organizations {2016} Full Details
Full Details
- Title:
- Philadelphia Zoning Registered Community Organizations {2016}
- Description:
- The Zoning Code establishes a registry of community organizations to be managed by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission. The RCO system is designed to improve community notification of proposed developments and make community involvement more predictable across the city. RCOs became effective on August 22, 2012. Polygon boundaries of Registered Community Organizations (RCO) as established under Section 14-303 (12) of the City of Philadelphia Zoning Code enacted December 15, 2011 and made effective August 22, 2012. RCO’s register annually with the City Planning Commission and are notified of projects requiring Zoning Board approval or Civic Design Review. RCO boundaries may overlap as permitted by the Zoning Code.KEY ATTRIBUTE FIELDS:RCO Name: Name of Registered Community OrganizationType: Type of RCO.Expire Date: Date RCO registration with PCPC expiresExpire Year: Year RCO registration with PCPC expires Philadelphia Zoning-Related Websites:Registered Community Organizations -- Code -- and navigate to Title 14Zonng Map -- On pop-up menu scroll down to 'Zoning'Zoning Administration Manual -- DEVELOPMENT:Features produced in ArcGIS Desktop using PA South Stateplane coordinates, NAD83, US Foot. Boundaries were constructed by PCPC using self-reported geographic descriptions by the RCO. Feature Update Date: 01-2013
- Creator:
- Pennsylvania--Philadelphia
- Provider:
- Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA)
- Resource Class:
- Datasets
- Date Issued:
- 2016
- Place:
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- File
- Language:
- English
- Date Added:
- 2023-02-22