Philadelphia Watercourses Designated for Protection 2012 - line {2016}
Polyline geometric features representing the center flow line of all waterways in Philadelphia only.
Hydrographic polygon features included in Philadelphia Hydrology Map. This map was officially adopted by City Council as the official map of Philadelphia Watercoures Designated for Protection on September 13th, 2012. The geographic data depicts watercourses within Philadelphia County as they appear on the map and will not be edited or updated. For up to date hydrography see (GIS_WATERSHEDS.Hydrographic_Features_Poly). Base Summary: PWD's Office of Watersheds has compiled a geodatabase of Philadelphia hydrographic features for Philadelphia County and its contributing watersheds. The data is comprised of a combination of USGS's National Hydrography Dataset stream flow data, planimetric data digitized by Sanborn in 2004, and data provided by PWD field survey work. Features updated: 09/26/2012 Attributes updated: 09/26/2012 Metadata updated 09/26/2012 Update Frequency - monthly
Pennsylvania--Philadelphia (2016). Philadelphia Watercourses Designated for Protection 2012 - line {2016}. . (dataset)