Race Restrictive Covenants [Missouri--Saint Louis City] {1870-1952}
Properties affected by race restrictive covenants in St. Louis City, Missouri.
Collected and coded by Colin Gordon in 2019-21, with assistance from staff and interns with the Metro St. Louis Equal Housing and Opportunity Council, Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, and Harvard's Commonwealth. In kind and financial support was provided by the St. Louis County Recorder, the City of St. Louis Recorder, and St. Louis REALTORS. The dataset was cleaned and edited and the interactive map was designed by Jay Bowen of the University of Iowa Digital Scholarship and Publishing Studio.
Attribute Key:
ad: Address
blk: Block
cv: Restriction Type (par=parcel, pet=petition, priv=private street, privR=private street with racial restriction, sub=subdivision)
day: Date Restricted
rec: Record Number
sub: Original Subdivision
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