View Metadata
Historic County Boundaries and Total Population, United States, 1820
- Identification Information
- Data Quality Information
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Spatial Reference Information
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Distribution Information
- Metadata Reference Information
- Identification Information
- Citation
- Originator
- University of Minnesota. Minnesota Population Center
- Publication Date
- 2006
- Title
- Historic County Boundaries and Total Population, United States, 1820
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital data
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Publisher
- Minnesota Population Center
- Online Linkage
- Abstract
- This boundary file contains historic county boundaries for which the U.S. Census Bureau tabulated data and was produced by the Minnesota Population Center as part of the National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) project. The NHGIS county boundaries shapefile was joined with NHGIS total population tabular data from the same year by the Harvard University Center for Geographic Analysis. The county boundary shapefiles and its respective population data were joined for each decade, 1790-2000.The NHGIS is an National Science Foundation-sponsored project (Grant No. BCS0094908) to create a digital spatial-temporal database of all available historical US aggregate census materials. The available shapefiles on the NHGIS site represent version 1.0 of historical US county boundary files for the 1790 to 2000 censuses. These electronic county boundary files were created by referencing a wide variety of sources and considerable care was taken during their production. U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line Census 2000 files provided the 1990 and 2000 county boundaries and the roads, hydrography, and public land survey lines required to construct historic county boundaries. Locations of historic county boundaries were derived from William Thorndale and William Dollarhide's Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses (1987), various volumes of John H. Long's Atlas of Historical County Boundaries, the Atlas of Historical County Boundaries website (, and other state-specific sources. TIGER/Line spatial features that corresponded to boundaries in these sources were used to construct the proper historic boundaries. When a TIGER/Line feature was not available, we digitized the historic boundary from one of the map sources. Aggregate data from Michael Haines' Historical Demographic, Economic and Social Data: The United States, 1790-1970 (2001) and Richard Forstall's Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990 (1996) were used to determine whether a county was enumerated during a given census. If a county was not enumerated, notes from those sources were used to attach the county in question to the county with which it was enumerated. If a county was not enumerated and the notes provide no details, the county was considered 'unattached' and it was merged with other unattached land within the state or territory.
- Purpose
- These data are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BCS0094908 - in infrastructure grant provided for the social sciences. Its purpose is twofold. First, the NHGIS created and freely distributes a database incorporating all available aggregate census information for the United States between 1790 and 2000. The database contains information for a wide variety of statistical (blocks, block groups, census tracts, metropolitan statistical areas) and administrative units (places, minor civil divisions, counties, states). Second, the NHGIS produced and freely distributes boundary files for small areas (census tracts and counties) in the United States. Boundary files for tracts are available for the 1910-2000 censuses, and boundary files for counties are available for the 1790-2000 censuses. The boundaries contained in this file do not necessarily represent legal county boundaries. Instead, they represent the county boundaries over which the U.S. Census Bureau tabulated and published data.
- Supplemental Information
- Counties are the primary legal subdivisions of most states and territories. Louisiana uses the term parish when referring to counties. Alaska has no counties; instead, the equivalents to counties are census areas, boroughs, city and boroughs, and municipalities. The U.S. Census Bureau and the state of Alaska jointly delineate the state's county equivalents. The District of Columbia has to legal subdivisions; thus, the Census Bureau treats the entire entity as a county. Four states (Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia) have independent cities. These cities are independent of any county and thus serve as county equivalents in their respective states. The NHGIS assigned a four-digit code to every county and county equivalent within a state or territory. The codes are assigned in alphabetical order, except for independent cities, which are assigned codes higher than counties. FIPS codes were used to uniquely identify a county within a state or territory, except for historical counties that were never assigned FIPS codes. For those historical counties, the NHGIS assigned a new code based on the alphabetical order of all counties a state or territory ever contained.
- Temporal Extent
- Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Time Instant
- 1820
- Bounding Box
- West
- -114.981498
- East
- -65.752857
- North
- 50.009315
- South
- 26.917929
- Theme Keyword
- Boundaries
- Counties
- Census
- Population
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- ISO Topic Category
- boundaries
- society
- Theme Keyword
- historical
- census of population and housing
- counties
- county equivalents
- census boundaries
- census geography
- census data
- population
- housing
- county
- borough
- independent city
- census area
- parish
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Place Keyword
- United States
- Place Keyword Thesaurus
- Temporal Keyword
- Access Restrictions
- All persons are granted a limited license to use and distribute this documentation and the available data, subject to the use constraints listed below.
- Use Restrictions
- This dataset was produced with an intended application at the state/territory, regional or national level. Appropriate uses include thematic mapping of census data and spatial analysis of census data. These unaltered data may be redistributed by a third party. If these data are altered or incorporated into another dataset, they are not to be redistributed without also: altering the name of the dataset, including a Content Standars for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998) compliant metadata file that describes the dataset and reflects the alteration steps that makes the new dataset different from this one, and citing this dataset in the metadata as a source for the altered dataset using the source citation specified below. If these digital data are used in the production of a report or in the compilation of a standalone printed map, then this dataset is to be cited in the report or on the map using the source citation specified below. The following source citation should be used when citing this dataset: John S. Adams, William C. Block, Mark Lindberg, Robert McMaster, Steven Ruggles, and Wendy Thomas, National Historical Geographic Information System: Pre-release Version 0.1, Minneapolis: Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota, 2004. No fee may be charged for use or distribution. Publications and research reports based on the database must cite it appropriately. Users are requested to send a copy of any publications, research reports, or educational material making use of the data or documentation. Printed matter should be sent to: NHGIS Minnesota Population Center University of Minnesota 50 Willey Hall 225 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455
- Status
- In work
- Maintenance and Update Frequency
- As work is completed
- Point of Contact
- Contact Person
- Petra Noble
- Delivery Point
- 50 Willey Hall
- Delivery Point
- 225 19th Avenue South
- City
- Minneapolis
- State
- Minnesota
- Postal Code
- 55455
- Country
- Contact Telephone
- 612-625-7375
- Contact Electronic Mail Address
- Credit
- National Science Foundation Grant No. BCS0094908
- Native Data Set Environment
- Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog
- Data Quality Information
- Attribute Accuracy Report
- All county codes were checked against codes in the available aggregate data to ensure accuracy and consistency. The boundary file may contain more or fewer counties than the aggregate data file. Sources for the boundary files sometimes depicted counties that contained no population; thus, they have no record in the aggregate data file. Sometimes, the aggregate data files contain records for county equivalents that are not mappable (e.g., military forts). Also, the boundary file sometimes contains an "unattached" county. This section of the state was not counted by the U.S. Census Bureau, but it has been included in order to depict the correct state/territory outline.
- Logical Consistency Report
- All spatial data have been reviewed to assure topological consistency and completeness. All polygons close and do not overlap. No voids exist within polygons. ArcGIS topology features classes were used to identify and fix topological errors (e.g., overlaps, voids, missing polygons) in the county boundary datasets. The ArcGIS topology rules used to ensure logical consistency were 'Must not overlap' and 'Must be covered by'.
- Completeness Report
- Version 1.0 of the county boundary files contains counties and county equivalents. Most counties, although not all, have a matching record in the aggregate data files. Counties without a matching record were denoted on source materials as having "no population". We still made those counties because we had a geographic representation of it. Additionally, some records in the aggregate data files could not be mapped because they represent point features (e.g., military forts) - NHGIS boundary files are only composed of polygon features. Version 1.0 boundary files have not been generalized, and counties containing parts of the following bodies of water do not have historically accurate coastlines: the Great Lakes, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico. No counties overlap, no voids exist within counties, and any polygon belongs to one and only one county. Every county has a FIPS-like code (GISJOIN) that uniquely identifies it. The aggregate data contains a matching code (GISJOIN) so that the files can be easily joined together.
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
- The horizontal positional accuracy of the source data (U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line 2000 files) can be found at To create historic county boundaries, we used existing TIGER lines whereever possible. When no TIGER line existed, we digitized new linework from scanned and rectified Thorndale and Dollarhide (1987) maps for John H. Long (various) maps. These historic county boundaries do not represent legal boundaries and should only be used for thematic mapping and statistical analysis.
- Lineage
- Source
- Originator
- Thorndale, William
- Originator
- Dollarhide, William
- Publication Date
- 1987
- Title
- Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790-1920
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Baltimore, MD
- Publisher
- Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Contribution
- Depicts county boundaries used in 1790-1920 census
- Source
- Originator
- Forstall, Richard L.
- Publication Date
- 1966
- Title
- Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Washington, DC
- Publisher
- U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Division
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Contribution
- Lists population for each county enumerated
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Publication Date
- 2001
- Title
- Census 2000 TIGER/Line files [machine-readable data file]
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital file
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Washington, DC
- Publisher
- U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Geography Division
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- 100000
- Type of Source Media
- online
- Contribution
- Base linework for the historic counties
- Source
- Originator
- Adams, John S.
- Originator
- Block, William C.
- Originator
- Lindberg, Mark
- Originator
- McMaster, Robert Brainerd
- Originator
- Ruggles, Steven
- Originator
- Thomas, Wendy
- Publication Date
- 2004
- Title
- National Historical Geographic Information System: Pre-release Version 0.1
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital file
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Minneapolis, MN
- Publisher
- Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- 100000
- Type of Source Media
- online
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Rico, Laura (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 2004
- Title
- Wyoming Historical Counties
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Chicago
- Publisher
- The Newberry Library
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- online
- Source
- Originator
- DenBoer, Gordon,1933- (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1995
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Kentucky
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- DenBoer, Gordon,1933- (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 2000
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Minnesota
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- DenBoer, Gordon,1933- (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1998
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: North Carolina
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- DenBoer, Gordon,1933- (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1996
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Pennsylvania
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- DenBoer, Gordon,1933- (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1997
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Wisconsin
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- DenBoer, Gordon,1933- (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1994
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusette, Rhode Island
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Simon and Schuster
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- DenBoer, Gordon,1933- (comp.)
- Originator
- Thorne, Kathryn Ford (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1993
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: South Carolina
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Simon and Schuster
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- DenBoer, Gordon,1933- (comp.)
- Originator
- Goodridge, George E.
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1993
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: New Hampshire, Vermont
- Edition
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Simon and Schuster
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (comp. and ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1996
- Title
- Atlas of Historical Boundaries: Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1996
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Alabama
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1996
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Indiana
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1997
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Michigan
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1993
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Mississippi
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Simon and Schuster
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1998
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Ohio
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 2000
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Tennessee
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Thorne, Kathryn Ford (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1997
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Florida
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Thorne, Kathryn Ford (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1993
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: New York
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Simon and Schuster
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- DenBoer, Gordon,1933- (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1997
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Illinois
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- DenBoer, Gordon,1933- (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1998
- Title
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Iowa
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- New York
- Publisher
- Charles Scribner's Sons
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Rico, Laura (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 2004
- Title
- Virginia Historical Counties
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Chicago
- Publisher
- The Newberry Library
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- online
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Rico, Laura (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 2004
- Title
- Montana Historical Counties
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Chicago
- Publisher
- The Newberry Library
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- online
- Source
- Originator
- Sinko, Peggy Tuck (comp.)
- Originator
- Rico, Laura (comp.)
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 2004
- Title
- West Virginia Historical Counties
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Chicago
- Publisher
- The Newberry Library
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- online
- Source
- Originator
- Nimmo, Sylvia
- Publication Date
- 1978
- Title
- Maps Showing the County Boundaries of Nebraska, 1854-1925
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Papillion, NE
- Publisher
- Sylvia Nimmo
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Originator
- Hansen, Stephen L. (comp.)
- Publication Date
- 1984
- Title
- Historical Atlas and Chronology of County Boundaries, 1788-1980, Volume 2: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Boston
- Publisher
- G.K. Hall Co.
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Originator
- Learning, Hugo P. (comp.)
- Publication Date
- 1984
- Title
- Historical Atlas and Chronology of County Boundaries, 1788-1980, Volume 3: Michigan, Wisconsin
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Boston
- Publisher
- G.K. Hall Co.
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (ed.)
- Originator
- Donovan, Mark P. (comp.)
- Originator
- Siebert, Jeffrey D. (comp.)
- Publication Date
- 1984
- Title
- Historical Atlas and Chronology of County Boundaries, 1788-1980, Volume 5: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Boston
- Publisher
- G.K. Hall Co.
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Publication Date
- 1932
- Title
- Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930. Population. Volume III
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Washington, D.C.
- Publisher
- U.S. Government Printing Office
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Publication Date
- 1943
- Title
- Sixteenth Census of the United States: 1940. Population. Volume II
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Washington, D.C.
- Publisher
- U.S. Government Printing Office
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Publication Date
- 1952
- Title
- Census of Population: 1950. Volume II. Characteristics of the Population
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Washington, D.C.
- Publisher
- U.S. Government Printing Office
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Publication Date
- 1963
- Title
- Census of Population: 1960. Volume I. Characteristics of the Population
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Washington, D.C.
- Publisher
- U.S. Government Printing Office
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Publication Date
- 1973
- Title
- Census of Population: 1970. Volume I, Characteristics of the Population
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Washington, D.C.
- Publisher
- U.S. Government Printing Office
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Publication Date
- 1981
- Title
- 1980 Census of Population: Volume I, Characteristics of the Population
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Washington, D.C.
- Publisher
- U.S. Government Printing Office
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (comp. and ed.)
- Originator
- Hast, Adele (comp.)
- Publication Date
- 1984
- Title
- Historical Atlas and Chronology of County Boundaries, 1788-1980, Volume 4: Iowa, Missouri
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Boston
- Publisher
- G.K. Hall Co.
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Long, John Hamilton (comp. and ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1984
- Title
- Historical Atlas and Chronology of County Boundaries, 1788-1980, Volume 1: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Boston
- Publisher
- G.K. Hall Co.
- Source Scale Denominator
- various
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source
- Originator
- Haines, Michael
- Publication Date
- 2001
- Title
- Historical Demographic, Economic and Social Data: The United States, 1790-1970
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Ann Arbor, MI
- Publisher
- Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Direct Spatial Reference Method
- Vector
- Point and Vector Object Information
- SDTS Terms Description
- SDTS Point and Vector Object Type
- G-polygon
- Point and Vector Object Count
- 779
- Spatial Reference Information
- Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
- Planar
- Map Projection
- Map Projection Name
- Albers Conical Equal Area
- Albers Conical Equal Area
- Standard Parallel
- 20.000000
- Standard Parallel
- 60.000000
- Longitude of Central Meridian
- -96.000000
- Latitude of Projection Origin
- 40.000000
- False Easting
- 0.000000
- False Northing
- 0.000000
- Planar Coordinate Information
- Planar Coordinate Encoding Method
- coordinate pair
- Coordinate Representation
- Abscissa Resolution
- 0.000100
- Ordinate Resolution
- 0.000100
- Planar Distance Units
- meters
- Geodetic Model
- Horizontal Datum Name
- North American Datum of 1983
- Ellipsoid Name
- Geodetic Reference System 80
- Semi-major Axis
- 6378137.000000
- Denominator of Flattening Ratio
- 298.257222
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Entity Type
- Entity Type Label
- Entity Type Definition
- Historic County Boundaries and Total Population, United States, 1820
- Entity Type Definition Source
- Attributes
- Internal feature number. (Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.)
- Definition Source
- Internal feature number. (Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.)
- Definition Source
- Census decade
- Definition Source
- NHGIS county name (Text.)
- Definition Source
- NHGIS state code
- Definition Source
- NHGIS county code
- Definition Source
- ICPSR state code
- Definition Source
- Historical, Demographic, Economic, and Social Data: The United States, 1790-2000 (Haines 2001)
- ICPSR county code
- Definition Source
- Historical, Demographic, Economic, and Social Data: The United States, 1790-2000 (Haines 2004)
- ICPSR county name (Text.)
- Definition Source
- Historical, Demographic, Economic, and Social Data: The United States, 1790-2000 (Haines 2004)
- State or territory name (Text.)
- Definition Source
- ICPSR state code
- Definition Source
- Historical, Demographic, Economic, and Social Data: The United States, 1790-2000 (Haines 2001)
- ICPSR county code
- Definition Source
- Historical, Demographic, Economic, and Social Data: The United States, 1790-2000 (Haines 2004)
- Definition Source
- None
- State code
- Definition Source
- County code
- Definition Source
- Internal feature number. (Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.)
- Definition Source
- Attribute used to join GIS data to aggregate data tables
- Definition Source
- Alternate attribute used to join GIS data to aggregate data tables
- Definition Source
- shape area in square meters - use this field to calculate population density in the future as the other shape area fields may be distorted due to data projections
- Definition Source
- Harvard CGA
- Perimeter of a county, in meters
- Definition Source
- New ID field created from "Date + GISJOIN" concatenation
- Definition Source
- Harvard CGA
- Total population
- Definition Source
- Feature geometry. (Coordinates defining the features.)
- Definition Source
- Area of feature in square coverage units
- Definition Source
- Length of arc in coverage units
- Definition Source
- Entity and Attribute Overview
- This dataset is a shapefile containing polygon features. The features depict historic county boundaries for the United States.
- Distribution Information
- Format Name
- Shapefile
- Distributor
- Harvard Geospatial Library
- Online Access
- Name
- Metadata Reference Information
- Metadata Date
- 20120430
- Metadata Contact
- Contact Information
- Contact Organization Primary
- Contact Organization
- Harvard Geospatial Library
- Contact Position
- Geospatial Resources Cataloger
- Contact Address
- Address
- Harvard University Library
- Address
- Office For Information Systems
- Address
- 90 Mount Auburn Street
- City
- Cambridge
- State or Province
- MA
- Postal Code
- 02138
- Country
- Contact Voice Telephone
- 617-495-2417
- Contact Facsimile Telephone
- 617-496-0440
- Contact Electronic Mail Address
- Hours of Service
- Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm EST-USA
- Metadata Standard Name
- FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata Standard Version
- FGDC-STD-001-1998