LEHD Low-Wage Job Density - 2014 [Minnesota] Full Details
Full Details
- Title:
- LEHD Low-Wage Job Density - 2014 [Minnesota]
- Description:
- The U.S. Census's 2010 LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistcs (LODES) Dataset was used to map job and worker density in throughout the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota. The LODES data is part of the U.S. Census's Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics program which records the number of jobs by workplace location and the number of workers by household location at the census block level. LEHD data is derived from data provided by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development's (MNDEED) Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) and the U.S. Social Security Administration. The U.S. Cenus Bureau protects the confidentiality of the original data by using a system of multiplicative noise infusion, whereby all released data are "fuzzed." Although the positional accuracy of the data is not as good as the original MNDEED QCEW data, a more robust dataset is produced that allows allows users to not only map a general representation of job density (see LEHD Job Density), but also map jobs by income level (LEHD Low-Wage Job Density) and workers' residence (see LEHD Worker Household Density or LEHD Low-Wage Worker Household Density). Jobs and workers are classified into three earning categories: <= $1,250/month, $1,251 to $3,333/month, and > $3,333/month. The census block level data was converted to a smoothly tapered surface of calculated census block value. The resulting data surface provides a general representation of density of low-wage jobs ($3,333/month or less: approx. $40,000 or less annually) in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota. Representing low-wage job density as a smooth surface can help users visualize areas of job concentration that might be difficult to interpret from discrete block-level data. Workplace Area Characteristics from the U.S. Census's 2010 LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistcs (LODES) Dataset
- Creator:
- Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area
- Provider:
- Minnesota Geospatial Commons
- Resource Class:
- Datasets
- Theme:
- Society
- Place:
- Rights:
- None. This dataset is public domain under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13). If the dataset is not available from the Online Linkage in Section 6, please contact the Distribution Contact Person.
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Files
- Language:
- English
- Date Added:
- 2023-08-20