"Belarus administrative level 0-2 boundaries (COD-AB) dataset. NOTE: The time period of the dataset is based establishemnt of the current six regions (voblasts) and the city of Minsk with special status on January 20, 1960. This COD-AB has NOT been reviewed for accuracy and necessary in the last 12 months. Sourced from UNICEF Live geoservices (provided by Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) with funding from USAID) are available for this COD-AB. Please see [COD_External](https://codgis.itos.uga.edu/arcgis/rest/services/COD_External). (For any earlier versions please see [here](https://codgis.itos.uga.edu/arcgis/rest/services/V00_0), [here](https://codgis.itos.uga.edu/arcgis/rest/services/V1_00), and [here](https://codgis.itos.uga.edu/arcgis/rest/services/V2_00).) Vetting, configuration, and geoservices provision by Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) with funding from USAID. There is no suitable population statistics dataset (COD-PS) for linkage to this COD-AB.. An edge-matched (COD-EM) version of this COD-AB is available on [HDX here](https://data.humdata.org/dataset/cod-em-blr). Please see the [COD Portal](https://cod.unocha.org/). Administrative level 1 contains 7 feature(s). Administrative level 2 contains 119 feature(s). These administrative boundaries were established in: 1960 Recommended cartographic projection: Europe Albers Equal Area Conic"