View Metadata
Cover Type Wetlands Map of the Oswegatchie-Black, Upper Hudson, and St. Regis Watersheds in New York State, 2000
- Identification Information
- Data Quality Information
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Spatial Reference Information
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Distribution Information
- Metadata Reference Information
- Identification Information
- Citation
- Originator
- New York State Adirondack Park Agency
- Originator
- Daniel M. Spada, Project Director (compiler)
- Publication Date
- 20001229
- Title
- Cover Type Wetlands Map of the Oswegatchie-Black, Upper Hudson, and St. Regis Watersheds in New York State, 2000
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital data
- Series Information
- Series Name
- Watershed Scale Protection for Adirondack Wetlands
- Issue Identification
- EPA State Watershed Protection Grant Wetlands Mapping
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Ray Brook, NY
- Publisher
- New York State Adirondack Park Agency
- Online Linkage
- Abstract
- A set of 18 USGS 7.5' quadrangle-based wetland coverages was prepared for the Oswegatchie-Black, Upper Hudson, and St. Regis River watersheds, primarily within the New York State Adirondack Park using PC Arc/Info 3.4D+ at the Remote Sensing Laboratory, Plattsburgh State University (RSL). Wetlands were delineated on 1:40000 color infrared National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP) transparencies (for the Oswegatchie-Black watershed 1:58,000-scale National High Altitude Photography (NHAP) color infrared photos were used), transferred to orthophoto overlays using an Image Interpretations Systems Stereo Zoom Transfer Scope, and either hand digitized or scanned into PC Arc/Info format. A digital file extracted from the watershed data layer defined the outer boundary of the mapped area. This wetlands database consists of both polygon and linear features labeled using National Wetlands Inventory conventions. The 138 individual quadrangle files were exported to the New York State, Executive Department, Adirondack Park Agency (NYS APA) running Arc/Info version 8.0. The final MAPJOINED study area polygon coverage comprised of the 18 quad coverages was called STREGWTLND. Scale 1:24,000.
- Purpose
- The wetlands database is part of a larger database designed to help evaluate watershed/wetland relationships and provide data for cumulative impact assessments. The outreach efforts to share the Agency's natural resource database will encourage resource appreciation and wise use, particularly in a regional context. Supplemental Information: Line drawings for 18 quadrangle-based wetland coverages were scanned using an ANAtech Evolution scanner housed at the Adirondack Park Agency. Digital files were vectorized, transformed into the UTM coordinate system, edited, and attributed by the Remote Sensing Laboratory, Plattsburgh State University. Digital files were georeferenced into a digital quadrangle file containing four bounding tics using PC Arc/Info 3.4D+. Maximum allowable RMS was 0.003, snapdistance 20.0 meters, snaptype closest, weed tolerance 3.0 meters, and a fuzzy tolerance of 1.219 meters. Hard copies of the digital coverage showing arcs, dangle nodes, and label points were carefully checked against the line overlay for digitizing or scanning accuracy. Wetland labels were added as label components using a digitizer menu customized for this project. A label overlay was placed over the line drawing, and arc and wetland labels were assigned on the digitizer. Wetland label columns were concatenated into a unified wetland label using dBase IV. A hard copy of the wetland coverage was made showing NWI wetland labels and each label was checked against the label overlay. Wetland labels follow the conventions established by Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS-79/31. Office of Biological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 103 pp. Some modifications to the conventions were made to accommodate this project and are noted in the final project report. Files were transported to the NYS APA as Arc/Info export files (no compression) compressed with WinZip on 100 MB Zip disks.
- Temporal Extent
- Currentness Reference
- imagery date
- Time Period
- Beginning
- 19940514
- End
- 19970502
- Bounding Box
- West
- -75.3268
- East
- -73.2812
- North
- 44.8820
- South
- 43.0393
- Theme Keyword
- Vegetation
- National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) cover types
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Theme Keyword
- Wetlands
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- ISO Topic Category
- environment
- inlandWaters
- planningCadastre
- Theme Keyword
- environment
- inland waters
- property
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- CUGIR Category
- Place Keyword
- Adirondack Park
- Adirondack Mountains
- Oswegatchie Black River Drainage Basin
- St. Regis River Drainage Basin
- Upper Hudson River Drainage Basin
- Place Keyword Thesaurus
- Geographic Names Information System
- Temporal Keyword
- Date of aerial photography: 1994-1997 (NHAP 1984-1985)
- Date of orthophoto quadrangles: 1976-1994
- Temporal Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Access Restrictions
- None
- Use Restrictions
- These data may not be used for legal determinations. Please credit use of this data set to the New York State Adirondack Park Agency, Ray Brook, New York 12977. Please send a copy of any reports or papers in which these data were used or referenced to the APA address, Attention, Nancy Heath Librarian.
- Status
- Complete
- Maintenance and Update Frequency
- As needed
- Credit
- Funding was provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Wetlands Protection; State Wetlands Protection Program; Projects #X 002777-01-0 (Oswegatchie-Black), #CD-992290-01-0 (Upper Hudson), #CD 992441-01-0 (St. Regis) to the New York State Adirondack Park Agency. Subcontractors for portions of the grant were the Remote Sensing Laboratory, Plattsburgh State University (RSL), the Adirondack Lakes Survey Corporation of NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (ALSC).
- Native Data Set Environment
- PC-Arc/Info, Arc/Info
- Data Quality Information
- Attribute Accuracy Report
- arcs), ARCVALUE to uniquely identify the quadrangle borders throughout the study area, and wetland labels. Polygon and linear wetland labels were derived from photointerpretation techniques. Wetland labels were entered by superimposing the orrthophoto label overlay upon a hard copy of the wetland coverage arcs and labels on a digitizing table. To minimize typographical errors, both polygon and linear wetland labels were entered utilizing a digitizer menu consisting of columns representing wetland label components. Label columns were concatenated in dBase IV to create a unified wetland cover type label. Hard copies of wetland coverages were printed and labels were individually checked against the orthophoto overlays. Arc User-IDs and ARCVALUE were visually checked on the computer screen for integrity and labeling accuracy. Quantititative Attribute Accuracy Assessment:
- Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
- Logical Consistency Report
- Polygons: All polygons were required to possess either a wetland or upland cover type (i.e., a SYSTEM entry and therefore a final NWILABEL entry were mandatory). During the labeling process, digital polygons were checked for the presence of a label point and incomplete polygons were repaired. All wetlands were digitized (or for scanned files, transformed) into a blank quadrangle file containing quadrangle boundaries and tics. Arcs: Only linear wetlands arcs received a wetland label. Printouts were made color-coding linear wetlands to help discover those linear wetlands missing a label or those that were labeled improperly. Only linear wetlands were allowed to exhibit dangle nodes. General: PC Arc/Info's DISSOLVE program was used to identify adjacent polygons inappropriately possessing the same wetland label, and to identify arcs that should have received a wetland label but did not. Inter-coverage consistency: PC Arc/Info's EDGEMATCH routine was utilized to match arcs between coverages. Wetland labels along adjacent coverage edges were proofread using ArcView 3.1 and corrected in PC Arc/Info ArcEdit.
- Completeness Report
- Extensive quality assurance/quality control measures were taken for all steps of database creation. All wetland labels were reviewed for conformance to National Wetlands Inventory standards. It is expected that because the derivation of data from photointerpretation techniques, uncorrectable errors and mistakes may be present. Identifiable mistakes will be corrected as needed. These wetland maps contain only those wetlands that were identifiable from aerial photographs.
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
- The outer arc of all individual quadrangle-based wetland files correspond to USGS 7.5' quadrangle boundaries. Wetlands were digitized or transformed (scanned files) into the quadrangle template with a UTM Zone 18 projection and metric coordinates. Horizontal positional accuracy has error potential from several different steps: photointerpretation, transfer to orthophotos, and digitizing techniques. Maximum allowable RMS error was 0.003 for each digitizing session. While great care was taken at every step, no formal quantitative accuracy assessment was conducted. An attempt was made in all mapping operations (delineation, transfer, digitizing) to have horizontal accuracy correct to plus or minus onep encil width (about 12 meters at 1:24000).
- Lineage
- Source
- Originator
- Northern Forest Lands Project, SUNY ESF (ed.)
- Publication Date
- 1991-07-25
- Title
- Northern Forest Lands Quadrangle File (derived from the data set "NYTM Coordinates 11/22/89" purchased from NYSDOT - Mapping Services Bureau)
- Type of Source Media
- disc
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Single Date/Time
- Source Currentness Reference
- coverage date
- Source
- Originator
- USGS Publication Date: various Title: USGS 7.5' and 7.5' X 15' Topographic Quadrangles
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map
- Source Scale Denominator
- 24000 or 25000
- Type of Source Media
- paper
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Contribution
- Used to determine quadrangle-based study area boundary.
- Source
- Originator
- USGS Publication Date: various
- Title
- National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP)
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- aerial photograph
- Source Scale Denominator
- 40000
- Type of Source Media
- 9" X 9" color infrared vertical aerial photographic transparencies Source Time Period of Content:
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Source Currentness Reference
- flight dates
- Source
- Originator
- USGS Publication Date: various Title: USGS 7.5' Orthophotoquad Geospatial Data Presentation Form: map
- Source Scale Denominator
- 24000
- Type of Source Media
- stable-base material
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Ending Date
- 1994-05-14
- Source Currentness Reference
- Date of aerial photograph used for orthophoto creation.
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Indirect Spatial Reference Method
- Wetlands are defined as polygons identified by a software-placed label point or as an arc labeled with a wetland cover type. Some arcs and polygons represent boundaries imposed by the quadrangle borders and therefore do not represent true feature boundaries. All non-wetland polygons possess either a U SYSTEM and NWILABEL or have blank wetland cover types (outside the study area). All non-wetland arcs possess a blank cover type label.
- Direct Spatial Reference Method
- Vector
- Point and Vector Object Information
- SDTS Terms Description
- SDTS Point and Vector Object Type
- G-polygon
- Point and Vector Object Count
- Spatial Reference Information
- Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
- Planar
- Grid Coordinate System
- Grid Coordinate System Name
- Universal Transverse Mercator
- Universal Transverse Mercator
- UTM Zone Number
- 18
- Transverse Mercator
- Scale Factor at Central Meridian
- 0.9996
- Longitude of Central Meridian
- -75
- Latitude of Projection Origin
- 0
- False Easting
- 500000
- False Northing
- 0
- Planar Coordinate Information
- Planar Coordinate Encoding Method
- Coordinate pair
- Coordinate Representation
- Abscissa Resolution
- 1
- Ordinate Resolution
- 1
- Planar Distance Units
- Meters
- Geodetic Model
- Horizontal Datum Name
- North American Datum of 1983
- Ellipsoid Name
- GRS-80
- Semi-major Axis
- 6378137
- Denominator of Flattening Ratio
- 298.257222
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Entity Type
- Entity Type Label
- {wetland coverage name}.PAT
- Entity Type Definition
- wetlands polygons
- Entity Type Definition Source
- Arc/Info
- Attributes
- Area of polygon in square meters (real number)
- Definition Source
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Perimeter of polygon in meters (real number)
- Definition Source
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- {wetland coverage name}#
- Internal feature number. (integer)
- Definition Source
- Software assigned
- {wetland coverage name}-ID
- User-assigned feature number; User-ID. (integer)
- Definition Source
- User-defined
- Definition Source
- Software assigned
- USGS 7.5' quadrangle name. (string)
- Definition Source
- NYS Department of Transportation name for 7.5' USGS Quadrangle. (string)
- Definition Source
- APA code for individual 7.5' USGS Quadrangles (string)
- Definition Source
- NYS DEC code for individual 7.5' USGS quadrangles. (string)
- Definition Source
- USGS 7.5' X 15' quadrangle name, where applicable. (string)
- Definition Source
- Complex of wetlands and deepwater habitats that share the influence of similar
hydrologic, geomorphologic, chemical, or biological factors. This parameter is mandatory
for all polygons in the study area. ( See Table 1 in APA_wetlands.html )
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- General appearance of the habitat in terms of either the dominant life form of the
vegetation or the physiography and composition of the substrate. Covers at least 30% of
the substrate. A value in this column is mandatory for all wetland polygons. (See Table 2 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- General appearance of the habitat in terms of either the dominant life form of the
vegetation or the physiography and composition of the substrate. Covers at least 30% of
the substrate. Life form must be the same or lower in height than CLASS1. If the same
general life form as CLASS1 (ex. FO), CLASS2 has equal or less areal extent. A value in
this column is not mandatory. (See Table 2 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- The water regime modifier describes the hydrologic characteristics of the
community. Only non-tidal regimes were used in the Adirondacks. A value in this column is
mandatory for all wetland polygons. (See Table 3 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997(imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- Special modifiers are used to denote man-made or beaver modifications to the
habitat. Optional parameter. (See Table 4 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- Special modifiers are used to denote man- made or beaver modifications to the
habitat. Optional parameter. (See Table 4 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al.1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997(imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- Special modifiers are used to denote man- made or beaver modifications to the
habitat. Optional parameter. (See Table 4 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
See the definitions of the individual components. This attribute is considered the NWI
wetland label. Mandatory parameter for all polygons within the study area, including
upland polygons. (See Tables 1-4 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- Entity Type
- Entity Type Label
- {wetland coverage name}.AAT
- Entity Type Definition
- Arc attribute table
- Entity Type Definition Source
- Arc/Info
- Attributes
- Internal number of from-node (unique positive integer)
- Definition Source
- software assigned
- internal number of to-node (unique positive integer)
- Definition Source
- software assigned
- Internal number of polygon to left of arc. (unique positive integer)
- Definition Source
- software assigned
- Internal number of polygon to right of arc. (unique positive integer)
- Definition Source
- software assigned
- Length of arc in meters.
- Definition Source
- automatic software calculation
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- coverage date
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Automatic software calculation.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As Needed
- {wetland coverage name}#
- Internal feature number. (integer)
- Definition Source
- software assigned
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- coverage date
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Automatic software calculation.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As Needed
- {wetland coverage name}-ID
- User-assigned feature number (See Table 5 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- User-defined
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- coverage date
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As Needed
- Value to uniquely identify the quadrangle borders throughout the study area; also a
unique value (1) for the Oswegatchie-Black, Upper Hudson, and St. Regis River Drainage
Basin Study Area (study area boundary). Linear wetlands and wetland polygon boundaries are
given a value of 0.
- Definition Source
- user-defined
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- None planned
- Complex of wetlands and deepwater habitats that share the influence of similar
hydrologic, geomorphologic, chemical, or biological factors. This parameter is mandatory
for all linear wetlands in the study area. (See Table 1 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- General appearance of the habitat in terms of either the dominant life form of the
vegetation or the physiography and composition of the substrate. Covers at least 30% of
the substrate. A value in this column is mandatory for all linear wetlands. (See Table 2 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- General appearance of the habitat in terms of either
the dominant life form of the vegetation or the physiography and composition of the
substrate. Covers at least 30% of the substrate. Life form must be the same or lower in
height than CLASS1. If the same general life form as CLASS1 (ex. FO), CLASS2 has equal or
less areal extent. A value in this column is not mandatory. (See Table 2 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- The water regime modifier describes the hydrologic characteristics of the
community. Only non-tidal regimes were used in the Adirondacks. A value in this column is
mandatory for all linear wetlands. (See Table 3 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- Special modifiers are used to denote man-made or beaver modifications to the
habitat. Optional parameter. (See Table 4 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al 1979
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997(imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- Special modifiers are used to denote man-made or beaver modifications to the
habitat. Optional parameter. (See Table 4 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- Special modifiers are used to denote man-made or beaver modifications to the
habitat. Optional parameter. (See Table 4 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al.1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- NWILABEL Attribute Definition: Unified label of SYSTEM, CLASS1, CLASS2, REGIME, SPECIAL1, SPECIAL2, and SPECIAL3. See the definitions of the individual components. This attribute is considered the NWI wetland label. Mandatory parameter for all linear wetlands within the study area, including upland polygons.
- (See Tables 1-4 in APA_wetlands.html)
- Definition Source
- Cowardin et al. 1979
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values
- 1994 (imagery date)
- Ending Date of Attribute Values
- 1997 (imagery date)
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation
- Attributes derived from photointerpretation techniques.
- Attribute Measurement Frequency
- As needed
- Distribution Information
- Format Name
- E00
- Format Name
- metadata
- Format Name
- HTML metadata
- Distributor
- Albert R. Mann Library
- Online Access
- Online Access
- Online Access
- Name
- Metadata Reference Information
- Metadata Date
- 20190524
- Metadata Contact
- Contact Information
- Contact Organization Primary
- Contact Organization
- Albert R. Mann Library
- Contact Address
- Address
- Albert R. Mann Library
- City
- Ithaca
- State or Province
- New York
- Postal Code
- 14853
- Country
- Contact Voice Telephone
- 607-255-5406
- Contact Electronic Mail Address
- Metadata Standard Name
- FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata Standard Version
- FGDC-STD-001-1998