GRID3 DRC Religious Centres - Haut-Katanga, Kasaï, Kasaï-Oriental, Kinshasa, and Lomami Provinces Version 01 Full Details
Full Details
- Title:
- GRID3 DRC Religious Centres - Haut-Katanga, Kasaï, Kasaï-Oriental, Kinshasa, and Lomami Provinces Version 01
- Description:
- The "GRID3 DRC Religious Centres - Haut-Katanga, Kasaï, Kasaï-Oriental, Kinshasa, and Lomami Provinces Version 01" dataset consists of religious centre points with names and health catchment area attributes in the provinces of Haut-Katanga, Kasaï, Kasaï-Oriental, Kinshasa, and Lomami in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This dataset is one of five (5) datasets (along with the Settlements, Health Facilities, Health Catchment Area Boundaries, and Schools datasets)included in this Version 01 release. To conduct this work, the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University engaged with the mandated authorities in the DRC’s Ministry of Health who support of data collection and development for vaccination planning. Local healthcare workers were also directly involved in the mapping of the health catchment area boundaries at participatory events coordinated with in-country provincial coordinators and mappers, and in the collection of data in the field from January to July 2021. This work is part of the GRID3 Mapping for Health in the DRC project. Supported by Gavi through its INFUSE initiative, GRID3 Mapping for Health is a Ministry of Health initiative, delivered in partnership with Flowminder and CIESIN, and in collaboration with WorldPop at the University of Southampton, Kinshasa School of Public Health, UNFPA, UNOPS, and Novel-T. GRID3 Mapping for Health is a continuation of previous work conducted and/or supported in the DRC by the Geo-Referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development (GRID3) programme. The dataset consists of one geospatial layer: religious centre point data and a table with the field descriptions for the layer. File name: GRID3_DRC_religious_centers_V01.gdb The following layers are included in the gdb: codebook__religious_centers GRID3_DRC_religious_center_5_prov_V01 Extent: Democratic Republic of the Congo: Haut-Katanga, Kasaï, Kasaï-Oriental, Kinshasa, and Lomami provinces. Dataset citation Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University and Ministère de la Santé Publique, Hygiène et Prévention, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2022. GRID3 DRC Religious Centres - Haut-Katanga, Kasaï, Kasaï-Oriental, Kinshasa, and Lomami Provinces - Version 01. Palisades NY: Geo-Referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development (GRID3). Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR
- Provider:
- Humanitarian Data Exchange
- Resource Class:
- Datasets
- Temporal Coverage:
- 2022-2024
- Place:
- License:
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Files
- Language:
- English
- Date Added:
- 2023-12-19