ACS 5YR Demographic Estimate Data by County [United States]
2016-2020 ACS 5-Year estimates of demographic variables (see below) compiled at the county level. . The American Community Survey (ACS) 5 Year 2016-2020 demographic information is a subset of information available for download from the U.S. Census. Tables used in the development of this dataset include: B01001 - Sex By Age;
B03002 - Hispanic Or Latino Origin By Race; B11001 - Household Type (Including Living Alone); B11005 - Households By Presence Of People Under 18 Years By Household Type; B11006 - Households By Presence Of People 60 Years And Over By Household Type; B16005 - Nativity By Language Spoken At Home By Ability To Speak English For The Population 5 Years And Over; B25010 - Average Household Size Of Occupied Housing Units By Tenure, and; B15001 - Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 18 Years and Over; To learn more about the American Community Survey (ACS), and associated datasets visit: Data Dictionary: DD_ACS 5-Year Demographic Estimate Data by County Date of Coverage: 2016-2020
United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUD and the dataset and metadata authors assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of the dataset. No warranty, expressed or implied is made with regard to the accuracy of the spatial accuracy, and no liability is assumed by the U.S. Government in general, the dataset creators or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development specifically, as to the spatial or attribute accuracy of the data.