In addition to this statewide 3DEP hydro-flattened base-earth DEM, the IGIO has also published this data as an Esri Imagery Service, allowing users to conveniently visualize the DEM data by applying visual enhancements to create dynamic hillshade, shaded relief, slope, and aspect-ratio raster maps.This image service has a series of image processing templates (or raster functions) integrated and ready to use out of the box. By default, the DEM is symbolized as a shaded relief - a hillshade with an elevation color ramp applied on top of it. If users would like to view the data differently in ArcGIS Online or desktop applications, they can select from one of the other raster functions. These raster functions include the bare-earth DEM, grayscale hillshade, slope (RGB), slope (degrees), aspect (RGB), and aspect (numeric values).