Honduras administrative level 0-2 boundaries PLEASE REFER TO THE CAVEATS ABOUT THE ADMINISTRATIVE LEVEL 3 DATA. 24 NOVEMBER UPDATES: Due to the structural inconsistency of the best available administrative level 3 boundary information it has been removed from the standard gazetteer, shapefile, geodatabase, web service, and EMF resources and P-coding of populated places resource. HOWEVER a shapefile and EMF file of the original administrative level 3 boundaries is still included in this dataset. Please see the caveats below for specific information. Note that a [Honduras Open Street Map populated places dataset is available here]\(https://data.humdata.org/dataset/cod-ps-hnd). Vetting and live service provision by [Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS)](https://www.uga.edu/) with funding from USAID. These boundaries are suitable for database or GIS linkage to the [Honduras - Subnational Population Statistics](https://data.humdata.org/dataset/proyecciones-de-poblacion-por-area-y-sexo-segun-departamento-y-municipio) tables.