Caption title: Glacial map showing moraines in which Lake Eagle and the city of Warsaw are located. Relief shown by profile. Includes geological profile of region. Shows moraines and beach lines in Ohio and Indiana. "Map 2." "Loaned by Prof. C. R. Dryer and Inland Pub. Co."--Caption. Detached from: A physiographic and ecological study of the Lake Eagle (Winona Lake) Region, Indiana / by W. M. Mills. In Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources twenty-eighth annual report, 1903. Indianapolis : Wm. B. Burford, 1904.
Imprint: [Indianapolis] : [Wm. B. Burford], [1904]; Imprint: [Indianapolis] : [Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources], [1904]
Dimensions: 8 x 11 cm; Scale: Approximately 1:2,476,000. Vertical scale indeterminable