Mapped, edited and published by the Geological Survey , Illinois area mapped in cooperation with State of Illinois Geological Survey. Filing title: Princeton, Ind.-Ill. Standard map series designation: AMS (Series) V751 3460 I. Polyconic projection. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Contour interval 10 feet. Includes quadrangle location map. Shows portion of Gibson County, Indiana, as well as small portions of Knox County, Indiana, and Wabash County, Illinois. Some copies show forest areas colored green. "Control by USGS, USC&GS, USCE, and Indiana Flood Control and Water Resources Commission." "Compiled in 1962 from 1:24000-scale maps dated 1959." "This area also covered by 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale maps: Patoka 1959, East Mount Carmel 1959, Owensville 1959, and Princeton 1959." Reprinted in 1965. "N3815--W8730/15."
Imprint: Washington, D.C. : Interior--U.S. Geological Survey, 1964
Dimensions: 45 x 42 cm or smaller