R.B. Marshall, chief geographer , W.H. Herron, geographer in charge , topography by C.D.S. Clarkson and Fred Graff, Jr., and the City of Louisville. Filing title: Ky.-Ind. Kosmosdale. Edition of Apr. 1912. Polyconic projection. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Contour interval 20 feet. Includes map showing areas surveyed by Clarkson, Graff, and Louisville. Surveyed in 1905-1910. Reprinted 1942. Control by Coast and Geodetic Survey, J. R. Ellis, C. B. Kendall, Fox Wood, and E. C. Bibbee. "N3800-W845/15."
Imprint: Washington, D.C. : U.S. Geological Survey, 1942
Dimensions: 45 x 42 cm or smaller; Scale: 1:62,500