Relief shown by spot heights. "Based upon[:] B. F. & Co.'s Atlas of Indiana, 1876. Lake's Atlas of Gibson and Pike Counties, 1881. F. C. H. Arentz, Map of Evansville and Surrounding Territory (Tracing). Field work of this survey. Congressional Land Survey." "Note - The main part of the P., D. & E., the O. V. and the E. & N. S. R. R's are from Burford's Railroad Map of Indiana, and are only approximately placed, as are most of the smaller stations." Detached from: The coal deposits of Indiana / George Hall Ashley. In Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources twenty-third annual report, 1898. Indianapolis : Wm. B. Burford, 1899. Page 1408.
Imprint: Indianapolis, Ind. : Wm. B. Burford, [1899]
Dimensions: 78 x 48 cm