This data represents buildings for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2019. [Building Footprint index for Winnebago County, Wisconsin. This was derived from aerial photography and building permits. In 1991 Aero-Metric Engineering, Inc. stereodigitized initially all of the building footprints within Winnebago County for the WINGS Project. After 1991 the building footprints were entered into the WINGS Project by student interns, the part-time GIS employee and the Planning secretary. Building footprints were heads-up digitized from aerial photography from 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003 and 2009 and siteplan maps from the Zoning Permits were used to capture the building footprints into individual files and then reindexed to one countywide file. Color symbology of orange was assigned to building footprints that were entered in from the site plan maps that were included with the Zoning (Building) Permits that were on file with the Winnebago County Zoning Office. Color symbology of brown was assigned to building footprints that were heads-up digitized from aerial photography and did not have a Zoning (Building) Permit on file in the Winnebago County Zoning Office. The countywide file is called gm_bld.], This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison.