Hydro (Polygon And Line) [Wisconsin--Marinette County] {2016}
These data layers represent hydrography for Marinette County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase 'Marinette_Hydro_2016.gdb'. The feature layers included in this geodatabase are 'Marinette_HydroLine_2016' and 'Marinette_HydroPoly_2016'.[The HydroPoly_2016 shapefile represents the lakes, ponds, rivers and streams in Marinette County, Wisconsin. Data is referenced to the Marinette County Coordinate System, North American Datum 1983 with the 1991 adjustment (NAD83/91).The original source data, Wisconsin DNR 24K Hydrography (Version 1), was obtained from the WIDNR as a shapefile referenced to WTM 83-91. The shapefile was then projected to the Marinette County Coordinate System. At this point, the attribute table was modified and changed to the current configuration. Features were combined using the WBIC as the unique identifier. Using acquired Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQ's) as a backdrop, the alignment of the waterbodies were modified (heads up digitized) to correspond to the DOQ's and updated using WROC orthoa (2010 and 2015) and 2015 FEMA LiDar data. (DOQ horizontal position accuracy reported to meet National Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS) for 1:12,000 scale products.) Topology between HydroArc and HydroPoly will exist after all editing is complete. As with all public information derived from variable sources, this data may contain errors or faults. Therefore, Marinette County does not provide any warranty, express or implied, that this data is absolutely accurate. If the recipient has any doubts as to the accuracy of this data, the recipient is advised to make an independent investigation or verification. If an error is found, please notify the Land Information Office as soon as possible. Item NameTypeDecDescriptionShapeOBJECTIDIWBP_NAMECName (WI DNR)WBP_POLY_TCPolygon type code: BA = Backwater, DC = Ditch or canal, IS = Island, LP = Lake or pond, RF = Reservoir or flowage, ST = Double-line stream and SD = Sewage disposal pond or filtration beds..WBP_WBICIThe Water Body ID Code (WBIC) of the polygon. WBIC’s from the DNR’s Register of Waterbodies (ROW) database.WBP_ORIGINCOrigin of data: 11=Digitized using DOQQ’s, 44 Approximate location from DOQQ’s and 98 or 99=Wisconsin DNR 24K Hydrography (Version 1).WBP_DATEDDate record was edited.WBP_POLYIDIUnique ID.Shape_LenDPerimeter (US survey feet).Shape_AreaDArea (square feet)(Item NameTypeDecDescriptionShapeOBJECTIDIWBA_WBICIThe Water Body ID Code (WBIC) of the arc. WBIC’s from the DNR’s Register of Waterbodies (ROW) database.WBA_NAMECWBA_LINETYCLinear hydrographic type code: BK = Bank or Shoreline, CL = Stream centerline, EX = Stream extension, FP = Flow potential, ST = Single-line stream, WG = Wetland gap connector and XX = Closure line.WBA_DURATICCode indicates the span of time in which features contain water: FX = Fluctuating, IT = Intermittent, NA = Not applicable and PN = Perennial.WBA_CARTOCCartographic representation code: Y1 = major stream/river, Y2 = minor stream/river, Y3 = intermittent, Y4 = bank and NO = do not show.WBA_ORIGINCOrigin of data: 11=Digitized using DOQQ’s, 44 Approximate location from DOQQ’s and 98 or 99=Wisconsin DNR 24K Hydrography (Version 1).WBA_DATEDDate record was edited.WBA_ARCIDIUnique ID.FIELD_VERCVerification for future buffer.Shape_LenDLength of arc (US survey feet).], This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison.