This point data layer represents street addresses for Manitowoc County, Wisconsin in 2017. [The address point data set contains the situs or physical address locations in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. The file was created by geocoding the addresses in a telephone directory database against a road centerline file containing address ranges. The mapped points where then moved on top of their corresponding buildings using digital orthophotography as a basemap. Manitowoc Countydoes not issue addresses, but relies on information supplied by the thirty municipalities located in the county to keep the data set current.], This data was submitted to the UW geospatial archive in 2017. Content may be considered current as of December 31, 2016. It was published to the UW geospatial archive as part of the Wisconsin Department of Administration Land Information Program annual collection of public data for the year 2017. This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison.