Wisconsin COVID-19 Cases (Census Tract Centroid), WI DHS
Wisconsin COVID-19 case counts by Census tract centroid. Data is updated at 2:00PM CDT dailyAll data are laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 that we freeze once a day to verify and ensure that we are reporting accurate information. These numbers are the official state numbers, though counties may report their own totals independent of DHS. Combining the DHS and local totals may result in inaccurate totals.Data included in these tables are subject to change. As individual cases are investigated by public health, there may be corrections to the status and details of cases that result in changes to this information.Deaths must be reported by health care providers, medical examiners/coroners, and recorded by local health departments in order to be counted.Staring on March 30, 2020, the number of people with negative test results was changed to include only Wisconsin residents. The number of people with negative test results includes only Wisconsin residents who had their results reported electronically to DHS. As a result, this number underestimates the total number of Wisconsin residents with negative test results."-999" values represent fewer than 5 cases, including 0 cases.For more information on the COVID-19 outbreak please visit https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/outbreaks/index.htm.