This data layer represents roads for Columbia County, Wisconsin in 2009. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Columbia_Roads_2009.gdb. [The roads coverage was created to represent highways, roads, bridges, and other features associated with transportation in Columbia County. The transportation features were derived from the April 1995 flight with a flight height of 10,000 feet, the April 2002 flight with a flight height was 10,000', a vehicle mounted 1-5 meter GPS unit, and other legal documents (Certified Surveys, Plats of Survey, etc.). The burden for determining 'fitness for use' rests entirely upon the requestor. Columbia County and its co-producers will not be liable in any way for accuracy of the data, and assume no responsibility whatsoever for direct, indirect, special, consequential, exemplary or other damages.], This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison. For the most recent version of this data, please visit: