This data represents zoning for Dane County, Wisconsin in 2020 and includes the layers 'Dane_General_2020' and 'Dane_Shoreland_2020.' [General: The Dane County Tax Parcel dataset was derived from a variety of source maps including U.S. General Land Office survey plats, deed descriptions, subdivision plats, certified survey maps and right-of-way plats. All new parcels are entered into the database using coordinate geometry (COGO). The map provides a representation of the geometry and topology of tax parcels. It is not intended to be used for the legal determination of land ownership or to be in any way a substitute for the land ownership and interest descriptions contained in individual deeds. Shoreland: Lands within 300 feet of a river or stream, or 1000 feet of a lake or pond are determined to be within the shoreland district and subject to special regulations intended to protect our environmentally sensitive areas located throughout Dane County. This is part of a set criteria that also includes buffers from wetlands and identified ordinary high water marks. In addition, the FEMA 1% Annual Flood Plain is part of the Shoreland Zoning District and defining Dane County Ordinance - Chapter 11, Shoreland, Shoreland-Wetland and Inland-Wetlands Regulations.], This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison. For the most recent version of this data, please visit: