This service highlights areas in the State of Michigan that are likely to have conditions suitable for wetland restoration efforts. These areas were identified on one of two spatial datasets used by the EGLE-Wetlands, Lakes and Streams Unit (WLSU) to pinpoint areas that were historically wetland. Hydric soils, as identified byU.S.Department of Agriculture -Natural Resources Conservation Service(USDA-NRCS) with assistance from EGLE-WLSU, exported from their SSURGO(Soil Survey Geographic Database). Land use circa 1800 as prepared by Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI), attributed landuse codes predicting the presence of wetland were exported to a new dataset, called, 'Pre-Settlement Wetlands'. These layers were unioned into one theme, and then areas indicating current wetlands, urban areas, hydrology were erased from the spatial extent of the theme. The final data was then ranked; High Potential 1, Moderate potential, 2 and low potential 3. The statewide polygon data set is not updated. For any questions related to this data contact: Chad Fizzell ( or Jeremy Jones (
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