Compiled data from MGS sediment grab samples from 1984-2012 (listed in order of ascendingFID #)2007 - These samples were collected using a Van Veen grab sampler. Samples were collected on 3/12/2007 as part of the Ocean City, MD Sand Shoal Study conducted by the Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey.2011 - These samples were collected as part of CZM Agreement 14-14-1846 CZM 151 (Chesapeake and Coastal Services)2012 - These samples were collected as part of CZM Agreement 14-14-1846 CZM 151 (Chesapeake and Coastal Services)1984 - 131 grab samples were collected during the summer of 1984. This work was associated with cooperative agreement 14-12-001-30316 between Maryland Geological Survey and the Bureau of Economic Geology University of Texas at Austin as agent for Branch of Geologic and Geophysical Studies Minerals Management Survice Reston, VA (Brooks, 1988) - REFS: Brooks, J.R. 1988. Sieve Analyses and Heavy Mineral Concentrations of the Sand Portions of Cores Taken from the Inner Continental Shelf of Maryland. Maryland Geological Survey, Baltimore MD.2008 - Six grab samples were collected during the survey of Jack Spot Shoal on 6/12/2008.1998 - Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS) grab samples. "The primary data on which to base this set of studies were obtained during the course of a research cruise in 1998 and a second cruise in 1999. Instruments used on either or both cruises inclued a standard "Young" grab with a 0.044 m2 surface area for sediment samples, a Hulcher model Minnie Sediment profile camera (SPI), a standard bottom imaging sled which carried video cameras and water quality sensors, a Burrow-Cutter-Diaz Plowing Sediment Profile Camera System, a 600kHz high resolution side-scan sonar, and a 2.4 m (8 ft) beam trawl to collect juvenile fish, epibenthos, and macrobenthos. In addition to analyses of the samples and images, the data were coded for display in a Geographic Information System (GIS)(Cutter et al, 2000)." - REFS: Cutter, Jr., G.R., Diaz, R.J., Musick, J.A., Olney, Sr., J., Bilkovic, D.M., Maa, J.P.-Y., Kim, S.-C., Hardaway, Jr., C.S., Milligan, D.A., Brindley, R., Hobbs, III, C.H. 2000. Environmental Survey of Potential Sand Resource Sites Offshore Delaware and Maryland. OCS Study 2000-055 Final Report.Funding to compile these datasets provided by BOEM under cooperative agreement number: M14AC00007. Data processing and compilation was executed by Maryland Geological Survey.The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) or any of its sub-agencies. This geodatabase was created to provide planners and managers access to data about aggregate resources off the coast of Maryland. This geodatabase should not be used for navigational purposes.This is a MD iMAP hosted service. Find more information on Service Link:
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