Village of Mt Pleasant Floodplain [Wisconsin--Racine County] {2035}
****Converted to NAD83(2011) by ProWest & Associates Inc in January of 2019."The year 2035 regional land use plan incorporates the basic principles and concepts of the previously adopted plans. The plan promotes a compact, centralized regional settlement pattern, with urban development recommended to occur within, and along the periphery of, existing urban centers; promotes the location of new urban development in areas which are physically suitable for such development and which may be readily served by basic urban services, including sanitary sewer, water supply, and public transit services; and seeks to preserve the environmentally sensitive lands and the most productive farmlands in the Region. Like the previous plans, the new plan is advisory in nature. Plan implementation will depend largely upon the willingness of county and local governments to use land use controls to shape development patterns in the regional interest. The year 2035 regional land use plan will provide a sound regional development framework needed in support of transportation and other public facility planning at the regional level, and in support of the preparation of comprehensive plans and related plan implementation efforts by county and local units of government in the Region. "
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