Web Map of 4G LTE Coverage as of May 15, 2021 (AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile, UScellular, Verizon)
Federal Communications Commission
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Web Map of 4G LTE Coverage as of May 15, 2021 (AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile, UScellular, Verizon)
This map shows the 4G LTE mobile coverage areas of the nation’s four largest mobile wireless carriers: AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile, UScellular, and Verizon. Specifically, it shows where customers can expect to receive 4G LTE broadband service at a minimum user download speed of five megabits per second (5 Mbps) and a user upload speed of one megabit per second (1 Mbps) based on propagation modeling. The map includes separate layers for each carrier’s broadband and voice coverage. Voice coverage areas represent where customers should expect to make and receive mobile voice calls and send and receive texts over the 4G LTE network, without regard to throughput speed. 4G LTE data service meeting a 5/1 Mbps minimum speed may not be available in areas where only voice coverage is shown on the map.
Federal Communications Commission (May 15, 2021). Web Map of 4G LTE Coverage as of May 15, 2021 (AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile, UScellular, Verizon). . https://fcc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=6c1b2e73d9d749cdb7bc88a0d1bdd25b (website)